Saturday, 21 November 2015

Story Shoot 2015 Edition #15: Feather Pewapisconias-McKee

Who are you? 

Feather Pewapisconias-McKee


Where are you from? 

Little Pine First Nation

Why did you want to participate?

 I wanted to partake in this project because I believe it was a great project of empowerment and strength and that it's a good reminder of how far people have come and grown as an individual.

What is a defining moment that challenged you and made you a stronger person?

 One moment that has defined me today was my first year of university when I made the decision to move from Regina. During that time I was going through some rough things and was scared to be out on my own. I took the plunge and left Regina and things changed for the better for me once I got to Saskatoon.

How are you able to overcome adversity and what did it teach you about yourself? 
I try to look at things optimistically and push forward, I believe that things happen for a reason and that the only person I can control is myself and how I react to situations. I've also learned that people will try tear you down but all you can do is keep going because it's more of a reflection of those people then myself. It's taught me that I can handle a lot more then I used to be able to and I've gotten so much stronger as a person. 

What would you tell a younger version of yourself today?
If I could talk to younger me, I would tell her that there is so much to look forward to in your future and that you are capable of so much more then you give yourself credit for, And that people would come and go in her life and to always trust your gut when it comes to people or situations.

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