Monday, 5 October 2015

Story Shoot # 5: Brittney St.Amant

Who are you?
My name is Brittney St.Amant

Where are you from?
I am from North Battleford, SK

Why did you want to participate?
I wanted to participate because I believe events like these are fun and important for community building and self-building. 


 What is a defining moment that challenged you and made you a stronger person?
Getting my University education has challenged me many times but in the end I am happy I stuck with it. As an Environmental Scientist, I believe my education has brought me closer to the earth and is a major step I needed in order to make change for the better of the earth and species.


How are you able to overcome adversity and what did it teach you about yourself?
Growing up I never thought I was capable of getting a science degree but over the past four years, although very challenging at times, I realized that hard work, passion, and purpose are the keys to success. Never ever give up!


What would you tell a younger version of yourself today?
To not let the downsides of life get the best of you and to not let bullies change who you are and what you are capable of. To always look at the positive sides of life and surround yourself with people that bring out the best side of you. 

For all youth going through hard times at school and at home, I would want them to know that it gets better. That although life may not be at a high point right now, they cannot let hardships consume them and snuff out their spark. Everyone has potential to be great, you just have to believe in yourself and pursue the things you love with full force and an undeniable passion!



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