Thursday 24 March 2016

Important vs. Non Important

I hope everyone is going to have a great supper this weekend! Enjoy that family time. Family time is important.

I wanted to talk a little bit today about something that is often a hurdle in my own life. That is making sure that the important things are always on the front burner. Statistics show that most people go straight to Facebook as soon as they wake up. I'm not sure if this is true in your life it is in mine. I happen to run social media for two business' that aren't my own. So sometimes Social Media can really take over my life. Now more then every I really have to make sure I'm planning appropriately.

What I need to do in my life is plan my social media duties ahead of time. Get it done and move on to more important things. What I need to do is start my day WITHOUT my phone in my face, but a good book. What I need to be doing is timeblocking.

So tomorrow I'm going to wake up. Play my inspiring Audio, read my good book, and time block my day before I get to work.

Good luck to me <3

Monday 21 March 2016

A day of getting stuff done

You ever get to the bottom of one pile and realize there is another pile to sort through? You ever do a bunch of stuff and never feel appreciated? Well that is the story of life my friends. All you can do is quietly work through your check list and make sure you take care of what is important.

I'm working towards putting my Faith and Family first.

Right now it just feels like I'm putting work and editing before ANYTHING.

So I need to make sure I have my priorities straight...

Sunday 20 March 2016

Finding Blessings in Chaos

Today is a new day. As everyday is a new day.

I haven't been using this blog much as I've pushed my business related material into my Zenfolio blog.

My life has been a blessed chaos. I am trying to make sense of it all. In the next couple weeks I will be moving into a new apartment. So I really need to purge some old things in the house. It will definitely be relieving.

I now run social media for 2 companies, I own 2 business', I have 2 part time jobs, I have 2 kids. I sometimes feel as if I have 2 personalities as well.

I am trying my hardest to keep my mind clear and fixed on the end goal. Which is to replace my income before I am 30 so that I can actually spend my time making a difference in the world. This can be extremely hard to keep on the front burner when you are trying to juggle so many plates. At this point I do a lot of crying, a lot of praying, and a lot of time apologizing for my mistakes.

I just have to keep moving forwards, I have a part to play in this chess game and I'm determined to make a difference in this world.

I would like to start blogging to try to organize the chaos... So that I can better see the Blessings <3

Sunday 6 December 2015

Story Shoot 2015 Edition #18: Jocelyne Poirier

Who are you & Where are you from?

 My name is Jocelyne Poirier born in QC. a health practitioner now based in Saskatoon and a return to my home land of living-healing  Souls which I call  Saskatchewan where Spirits alike meet again.


Why did you want to participate?

It is part  of  my sacred contract  being "The Helper" and needing to heal from this outrage personal adversity.  I witnessed feminine beauty of the Soul in this project when listening to Stephanie G. and I have to mentioned this is by listening with respect to what this project is all about that I felt compelled to participate and contribute.  It gave me HOPE therefore nourished my Beliefs there is ways of healing when you start trusting the love energy with no judgment.

What is a defining moment that challenged you and made you a stronger person?


... when overcoming my suicidal attempt at age 18 would of been a crucial moment and turning point as I survived.   I even laughed at myself at one point for that attempt as I realised that as I am God`s creation I was made so strong.   The  emotional physical abuse applied  by both of my parents and the weak figure father image of my father through be in total obscurity of understanding "What is being parents" with that image of mine in this world  ..
The heart loneliness caused by the abandonment of my parents and their disfonctionality  to love me unconditionally has been a definite energy drive to create  determination to want  to understand all the endless  Why`s...


How are you able to overcome adversity and what did it teach you about yourself?

Overcoming my latest adversity is in process still .. this project is a way to help me in the process of forgiveness and pure guidance from that day in my prayer I asked to receive clarity-ease for  my heart I can continue and remained a Believer in a Higher power generated by God`s love and His love healing process so I can forgive.
It tought me am worthy,  loving and  generous person.


What would you tell a younger version of yourself?

For any younger person I do say You are Loved and I love YOU..
I will listen to you..Am here for You..
You are important to my heart and I understand YOU..
Your Soul Plan is to be discovered experienced and You are NOT ALONE!! never when You open your Heart.

 HOPE energize the soul  as there is little miracles along the way that arise with such respect and love than we find courage to continue and believe in our contribution for a calmer peaceful  humanity.

Story Shoot 2015 Edition #17: Kehiew Fox

Who are you?
 I am Kehiew Fox

Where are you from?
  I am from Piapot First Nation

Why did you want to participate?
I wanted to participate because my sister Helen pumped me up telling me about the shoot and sharing stories of other women and young women.I love story telling/sharing projects.

What is a defining moment that challenged you and made you a stronger person?
 A defining moment for myself was leaving an abusive relationship. It made me a stronger person because I knew I had it in me to leave a situation that was not only hurting me but also my family.

How are you able to overcome adversity and what did it teach you about yourself?
 I was able to overcome this situation with the strength of family and friends who cared for me. Also coming to the realization that I had worth as a young woman in a huge world. It's easy to get lost and forget who we are if we're not so certain of ourselves. Through those trials I am now certain of who I am and where I come from as a person today. 

What would you tell a younger version of yourself?
I would tell my younger self to enjoy life, don't be so crazy and love yourself before you try love anyone else.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Story Shoot 2015 Edition #16: Jeanny Buan

Who are you?

Through out the years, I have been very blessed to do all of the things that I am very passionate about. I am a bullying prevention educator, creative director, model, athlete and a fitness trainer.

Where are you from?

I was born in the Philippines and moved to Canada 4 years ago.

Why did you want to participate?

We, human beings are so similar yet so different. We all have the same 24 hours in a day but it is our decision how efficient we would like to use our time as we go through different struggles and challenges. Like everyone else, I have been through a lot of endeavors but as I share my story, I hope girls, ladies and women out there will be encouraged to follow their hearts and pursue something that they are really passionate about.

What is a defining moment that challenged you and made you a stronger person?

I have always been bullied because of my skin color. I used to be called "The Big Dark Moon" in elementary school but despite this, I always daydream of becoming a model and an actress. I tried my luck by signing up with an agency even though most models that were hired have fair skin. Where I am from, beauty is equal to having a white complexion so I would use whitening lotion, cream and soaps. I would use a hat and an umbrella when I walk outside so that I won't get dark.

"You are too DARK for TV and magazines!!" This is the phrase that I hear over and over when I go to auditions in Philippines. I have been to literally hundreds of castings and auditions only to land as an "extra" in tv commercials. One of my closest friend even told me "If you just had white skin, you will be successful in this industry" I almost gave up! But I was holding on to the dream that one day, I will achieve my goals. I used this negativity as a motivation to be better, stronger and to push myself harder.

How are you able to overcome adversity and what did it teach you about yourself?

I moved to Canada years ago and saw a modeling competition poster, I told myself " I am sure I would not win but I will give it a try, I am used to agencies slamming their doors on me anyway!" True enough, I did not win but I was offered a modeling contract! It was the best day of my life. That day, I saw my dreams unfolding right in front of my eyes. I had to assure myself, this is real! this is real!

I learned that after years and years of trying and failing, you should not give up. If you work hard and believe in yourself, all of your dreams and aspirations will come true and the right place and right time.

What would you tell a younger version of yourself today?

Everything happens for a reason. When things crumble apart or you feel that the world is on your shoulders or when you have lost everything and ask: "Why me?" Hang in there. Be strong and be brave! Remember that a diamond cannot be formed without high temperature and pressure.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Story Shoot 2015 Edition #15: Feather Pewapisconias-McKee

Who are you? 

Feather Pewapisconias-McKee


Where are you from? 

Little Pine First Nation

Why did you want to participate?

 I wanted to partake in this project because I believe it was a great project of empowerment and strength and that it's a good reminder of how far people have come and grown as an individual.

What is a defining moment that challenged you and made you a stronger person?

 One moment that has defined me today was my first year of university when I made the decision to move from Regina. During that time I was going through some rough things and was scared to be out on my own. I took the plunge and left Regina and things changed for the better for me once I got to Saskatoon.

How are you able to overcome adversity and what did it teach you about yourself? 
I try to look at things optimistically and push forward, I believe that things happen for a reason and that the only person I can control is myself and how I react to situations. I've also learned that people will try tear you down but all you can do is keep going because it's more of a reflection of those people then myself. It's taught me that I can handle a lot more then I used to be able to and I've gotten so much stronger as a person. 

What would you tell a younger version of yourself today?
If I could talk to younger me, I would tell her that there is so much to look forward to in your future and that you are capable of so much more then you give yourself credit for, And that people would come and go in her life and to always trust your gut when it comes to people or situations.